Birsa Munda College



The purpose of the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is to address and resolve complaints related to sexual harassment and discrimination within the college campus. The ICC is established as per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, which mandates every educational institution to have a mechanism for dealing with such complaints. The ICC is responsible for receiving complaints, conducting inquiries, and taking appropriate action to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all members of the college community. Additionally, the ICC may also work towards raising awareness about sexual harassment issues and providing support services to those affected. Overall, the ICC plays a crucial role in promoting gender equality, preventing sexual harassment, and upholding the rights and dignity of individuals within the college setting.


Providing a safe and supportive environment

The ICC aims to create a safe and supportive environment within the college campus where students, faculty, and staff feel comfortable reporting incidents of sexual harassment or discrimination.

Preventing sexual harassment

The ICC works towards preventing instances of sexual harassment by raising awareness, conducting training sessions, and promoting a culture of respect and equality.

Addressing complaints

One of the primary objectives of the ICC is to receive, investigate, and address complaints of sexual harassment or discrimination in a fair, impartial, and timely manner.

Ensuring due process

The ICC ensures that all complaints are handled according to established procedures, which include maintaining confidentiality, conducting thorough investigations, and providing opportunities for both the complainant and the respondent to present their perspectives.

Providing support to complainants

The ICC offers support and guidance to individuals who have experienced sexual harassment or discrimination, including providing information about available resources and support services.

Promoting awareness and education

The ICC may organise awareness campaigns, workshops, and training sessions to educate the college community about sexual harassment prevention, gender sensitivity, and related laws and policies.

Monitoring and reporting

The ICC monitors the implementation of its recommendations and actions taken in response to complaints, and it may also compile data and prepare reports on the prevalence and handling of sexual harassment cases within the college.

Birsa Munda College ICC Cell:

The Internal Complaints Committee at Birsa Munda College was established in 2020 in accordance with the directives of the Directorate of Public Instruction, Government of West Bengal. This committee operates under the provisions outlined in Chapter II of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Birsa Munda College ICC Cell:

Sl. No.NameDesignation
1Dichen Lamu SherpaCIC
2Dr. Sarita VishwakarmaSecretary
3Farching DukpaMember
4Dr. Ratna Paul/Ruma DeyMember
5Pinkey Basfore(NTS – Female)Member
6Neha Sha (Student)Member
7Advocate (Female)Member
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