Birsa Munda College

Seminars & Workshop


Sl. NoParticularsDepartmentsDateView
1Orientation ProgrammeIQAC01.08.2020 to 02.08.2020
2International WebinarIQAC18/07/2021
3Eng Dept WebinarEnglish Dept.01/02/2021
4Commerce WebinarCommerce Dept.11/07/2021
5International WebinarHindi Dept.14/08/2021
6EVS WebinarEVS Dept.27/08/2021
7Voices From the MarginsIQAC15/11/2021 to 16/11/2021
8Raja Ram Mohan Roy EventIQAC07/06/2022
9History Pol. Sc. SeminarHistory & Pol. Sc. Dept07/06/2023 to 08/06/2023
10Online Lecture on IPRDept. of Commerce14.03.2023
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