Birsa Munda College

Desk Of Principal

Principal Desk

The College is not only devoted towards a mission for facilitating the students to achieve overall academic progress but also for becoming citizen with a sense of responsibility, belongings, and honesty. We aim to provide the platform of opportunities’ to learn explore, research, create and challenge so that every single student is able to excel in all aspects. Birsa Munda College believes in the vision of fostering each individual’s potentialities and through them in providing service to the society at large. The college is also committed to remove social and geographical barriers through academic excellence.

“From darkness, lead me to light” As the motto of our college speaks itself the collge aims to inspire the students to move away from darkness of ignorance and move towards the light of knowledge.
The mission of the College is to build a better future for all. This includes individuals, our state, our nation, and our world. We fulfill our mission by preparing competent, committed, and reflective teachers as we engage in outstanding teaching, innovative, impactful and meaningful outreach. The College aspires to be a national leader in graduate education, recognized for the success of our students and alumni, our innovative faculty and staff.
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