Department: History
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: Ph.D. awarded on a theme entitled ‘Reinterpreting Caste and Hierarchy in Bengal Mangalkavyas as a counter narrative circa 1700-1931’, School of Sciences, JawaharlalNehru University, New Delhi, on December 2019. National Eligibility Test (2019)PhD (Pursuing)
PUBLICATIONS (International )
The Changing World of Caste and Hierarchy in Bengal : Depictions from theMangalkavyas , c. 1700-1931 Routledge Taylor and Francis New York , Oxford 2023.ISBN 978-0-367-55755-3
Chapters in edited volumes
- ‘ Rituals’,’ Illness’ and ‘Public Health’ Social Implications of Covid 19 : A case Study of WestBengal , India,” in Giorgio Milanetti , Marina Morbiducci ed.s The Covid -19 Pandemic inAsia and Africa, Volume II , Societal Implications ,Narratives on Media , Political Issues ,Sapienza University Rome 2023 . 978 -88, 9377 -300-3
- ‘Dharmamangalkavya of the Mangalkavya Genre’ (with Raj Sekhar Basu), in Anne Viguier,Nathalie Kouame and EricMeyer ed., Historical Sources and Genres, Encyclopedia ofHistoriography, Africa, America, Asia Volume I,Inalco Press Open Edition Books, 2019.Online edition:
- “ The Healing Power of Goddess : Oral History Narratives of Bengal,” in Naseem Akhtar andParvin Jolly ed. Women’s Voice a search for feminist consciousness, Sangbed , Dhaka June2020. ISBN 978-984-94587-8-4
Chapters in edited volumes ( National )
- ‘Searching for a “Self and a Collective”: The Creative Articulations of “lower caste” Bengaliintellectuals’, in Y. Chinna Rao & Raj Sekhar Basu ed.,Dalit Intellectuals: Ideas , Strugglesand the Vision, Primus Books, New Delhi, 2022. 978-93-5572-581-3
- ‘Land Power and Social Mobility: Settled Agriculture in the Frontier Regions of Pre- colonialBengal’, in Chittabrata Palit ed.,Dalit Movement in Bengal, Kolkata: Institute of HistoricalStudies, 2018, ISBN 978-93-82710-06-6.
- ‘Understanding the Caste Dimensions of Bengal: An Interpretative Discourse on theIndigenous Ritualistic Beliefs and Practices ‘in Yagati Chinna Rao ed., Perspectives on SocialExclusion: Essays in Honour of Sabysachi Bhattacharya,Delhi:Meena Book Publications,2019.
Journal Articles: (in English)UGC LISTED
- Little known World of Protest and Community Consciousness: Engaging Popular Religion with the Power Structure of Contemporary Bengal’, Proceedings of the Indian HistoryCongress, 80th session held in Kannur University Dec. 2019. ISSN 2249-1937
- ‘Understanding the Religious Worlds of the Subalterns: An Analysis of SyncreticCulture in Bengal’,IIAS Summer Hill Journal, December 2019.
Peer Reviewed Journals:
- ‘Assimilating the Indigenous and the Savage: Brahmanical Absorption of Local Faiths inSixteenth Century Bengal’, The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies, Vol. LVIII Nos.1&2, April – September 2018, ISSN -0033 -5800.
- Cosmopolitanism and Goddess Tradition in Bengal: Situating Mukundaram’sCandimangal in the context of Nineteenth Century Bengal’, Journal of AcademicPerspectives, Vol. 2019, No. 1. (Assistant Editor: Louise Mulholland).
Content Writings:
E-pathsala content writer on Media and Margins Centre for Culture, Media & Governance,Jamia Millia Islamia, University New Delhi. Module name: ‘Mitigating Social Exclusionthrough Social Interaction’
- Participated and presented a paper titled “ Partition and the erosion of Caste identity inpost independent Bengal 1947-2011,” in the Fifth International Conference organized byAsian Association of World Historians held on 12th and 13th October 2022 in the IndiaInternational Centre , New Delhi.
- Participated and presented paper (online) titled “ Rituals” , “ Illness” and “ Health” : SocialImplications of Covid 19 : A case study of West Bengal , in an international conferenceorganized by Department of Oriental Studies , LaSapienza University ,on the theme titled“ Health Emergency in Asia and Africa: Societal Implications Narratives on Media ,Political issues,” held on 21st and 22nd October 2022 in Rome.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled ‘The subaltern denizens of rural Bengal :Locating Bengal’s seasonal tradition with the cult worship’ at the First Annual Conferenceof Indian Association for South Asian Studies (IASAS), New Delhi , based on the broadertheme Rethinking South Asia: Alternative Paradigms, Practices and Discourses. This is avirtual conference which had been held between 7th to 9thNovember 2020.
- Invited to participate in the 23rd New Zealand Asian Studies Society, InternationalConference at Victoria University of Wellington 24-27 November 2019.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled ‘Understanding the spirituality of theSubalterns; An analysis of the syncretic culture of Bengal’ in the Eleventh InternationalConvention of Asian Scholars (ICAS 11) held at Leiden University, 15 – 19 July 2019.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled,‘Cosmpolitanism and Goddess Tradition inBengal: Situating Mukundaram’s Candimangal in the context of nineteenth centuryBengal’, in the Oxford Symposium of Religious Studies held on 19, 20, and 21st March2019 at Queens College Oxford, U.K
- Participated and Presented a paper titled “ The Emergence of Dalit Labour Culture : Ananalysis of political discourse of caste in contemporary West Bengal 1977-2011 ,” in thespecial panel of Dalit History and Politics under the aegis of Indian History Congress heldat Kakatiya University , Warrangal , Telengana during 28th-30th December 2023.
- Presented a paper on Making of the Harijan Sevak Sangh Sangh : The Gandhian Perception1932-1970 in Section VI ; Contemporary History of India IN 82nd Session of the IndianHistory Congress at Kakatiya University , Warrangal , Telengana during 28th-30thDecember 2023.
- Participated and Presented a paper titled “ Dalit Intellectual space in Bengal:Essentialization of Ambedkar’s thought “ in the special panel on Dalit History and Politicson the theme titled “ Untouchability , Caste and History: Contestations and Evidences “under the aegis of Indian History Congress held at Madras Christian College , Chennaiduring 27th-29th December 2022.
- Missionary Understanding of Native Bengal : Negotiating traditions and indigenous beliefsand practices in the National Seminar titled Marginalization and Social Exclusion: TheCultivation of Indian Socio- Cultural thought held on 13thand 14th April 2022 organizedby the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy , School of Social
- Sciences , Jawaharlal Nehru University , New Delhi.
- Presented a paper titled “ Nationalism and tribal identity : Role Aluri Sitaram Raju in thetribal movement of Andhra Pradesh,” organized by Indian Social Science Academy under
- 45th Indian Social Science Congress on a theme titled People (Dalits, Tribes, Women,Peasants, ) Struggles and Movements for Equitable Democratic Society ‘ (‘FreedomMovement in South India: The role of Dalit and Tribal Nationalist Leaders, 1857-1947’ )held on 29-30th March 2022 at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science andTechnology, Vandalur, Chennai .
- Presented paper entitled ‘The World of Bengali Dalits in Literary representations incolonial and post- colonial periods’ in a Special Panel on “Dalit History and Politics”,Indian History Congress, 80th Session Kannur University, Kannur, 28-30 December 2019.
- Presented paper entitled ‘Little Known world of protest and community consciousness:Engaging popular religion with the power structure of contemporary Bengal’, IndianHistory Congress, Kannur University, 28 – 29 December 2019.
- Presented paper entitled ‘Linking the occupational castes with the goddess tradition: Areflection of social and cultural mobility in the context of Bengal,’ in the nationalconference on “Livelihoods of Vulnerable Groups : Empirical and TheoreticalDimensions”, organized by the Department of Anthropology, University of Hyderabad,Indira Gandhi Manav Sangrahalaya, Bhopal, and Anthropological Survey of India,
- Kolkata, 26-27 September 2019.
- Presented paper entitled ‘MangalkavyeBanglar Samajchitra,’ 35thAnnual Conference ofPaschimbanga Itihas Samsad, at Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, West Bengal,
- 24-26 January 2019
- Presented paper entitled, ‘Missionary Overview about Castes: An Analysis of indigenousbeliefs and practices of the lower orders of Bengal’, National Seminar on ‘Problems ofCaste in India: Investigating History and Historiography’, 29-30 November 2018,University of Allahabad
IInvited speaker in symposium:
Participated as Symposium Speaker as a “ Remembering Santhal Liberation Movement ;A Commemorative Symposium” organized by the Centre for the Study of Social Exclusionand Inclusive Policy on 6th April 2023.
Participation in workshop:
- Participated in the seven day online workshop on “Studying History: Perspectivesand Sources” organized by the Department of History , Jadavpur University on 23rdFebruary -1st March 2023.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored Five Day Research Workshop ( 9th- 13th March2015) organized by the Department of History, Rabindra Bharati University ,Kolkata
Refresher course attended:
Participated in the Refresher course on “ Epistemological Issues, Methodological Uses ,Skill Development in New Trend in Social Sciences,” between 5th June to 16th June 202S3organized by Amity Academic Staff College in association with Amity Institute of SocialSciences.
Faculty development program:
Successfully completed the one week long online Faculty Development Program on “Myths and Realities : Emerging Trends in History ,” organized by the Department ofHistory , School of Liberal Arts and Culture Studies , Adamas University , Kolkata (inaccordance with UGC guidelines ) in collaboration with Sidho Kanho Birsa University ,Purulia from 9th-15th 2023 .
Fellowships awarded ( international)
Received Charles Wallace India Trust Grant Fellowship in March 2018, for collectingmaterials from British Library, India Office Records, London during the last year of thePh.D
Research experience: (in various projects):
- Worked in a research project titled’ Health , Emergency in Asia and Africa : SocietalImplications , Narratives on Media , Political Issues’ under the Department of OrientalStudies , La Sapienza University , Rome ,ItalyNovember2021November 2022
- Co-Investigator in a research project entitled Tribal History of Jungle Mahals (From Ancientto Pre-British period) along with Ms. Debarati Tarafder as principal investigator (AssistantProfessor , Dhola Mahavidyalaya, P.O: Dholahat , South 24 Parganas , West Bengal )sponsored by Dr. Ram Dayal Munda Tribal Research Institute, Ranchi ( March 2020 – April2023)
- Research Fellow in the DPO/289/UPE II project entitled ‘India’s Maritime Relation – Tradeand Culture with the South Asian Countries: the Past, Ancient and Modern’ with Prof. RajSekhar Basu as Principal Investigator (June 2019-31stMarch 2020).
- Research Assistant in Asiatic Society Project entitled “Recovering the History of anUnderprivileged Group: The Varied Experiences of the Pulayas in Nineteenth and TwentiethCentury Kerala,” (Dec 2018- May 2019).
Major roles and responsibilities handled:(academics) : 2018-2023):
Birsa munda college , darjeeling district , west bengal( present institution) ( 1st december 2023 till date )
- Assistant Professor , Department of History ,
- Part of NAAC Core Team
Lloyd Law College, Knowledge Park II, Greater Noida , Delhi NCR (2nd May 2022-25thNovember 2023)
- Assistant Professor ( History)
- Teaching of Courses : History of Ancient and Medieval India, Modern India
- Conducted Interviews for the admission of students at the undergraduate level
- Framing and Revising of History Syllabus under the instructions of the Lloyd LawCollege affiliated to Chaudhuri Charan Singh University , Meerut , Uttar Pradesh.
- Time Table In charge of 1st and 4th Semester B.A. LLB
- Conference Committee Coordinator of Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon Global JuralConclave organized by Llloyd Law College Greater Noida in association with MenonInstitute of Legal Advocacy and Training ( MILAT) from 15thto 18th century 2023.
- Faculty Coordinator for Poster Making in the Umang Intra- College Youth Fest (21st–
- 23rd March 2023) held at Lloyd Law College , Greater Noida , Delhi NCR.
Lovely Professional University, Punjab ( 29th November 2021 – 30th April 2022::
- Assistant Professor of History
- Member of the Research Advisory Committee of History in the Lovely Professional University
- Developed E – Content material for the Course titled Women in Indian History at LovelyProfessional University .
- Delivered video lectures for the UGC approved Online Courses of History ( EHIS632: Womenin Indian History)
- Courses taught : Historical thought , Economic History of India ,Women in Indian History,Administrative Structure of the British Rule , Ancient India up to 1000A.D
Central university of karnataka gulbarga (4th january 2020-15th july 2022):
- Guest Faculty in the Dept. of History , School of Social and Behavioural Sciences , CentralUniversity , Gulbarga
- Courses taught : Modern India ,Contemporary India , Contemporary Social Issues, TwentiethCentury World
- Framed syllabus for Elective Paper titled “Caste and Class in India “and optional paper “PublicHealth and Medicine in India,” for post-graduation courses in the Department of History, CentralUniversity of Karnataka, Gulbarga.
- Framing of Semester the Question Papers of Elective as well as Core papers of MA (History)titled Contemporary Social Issues, India since Independence, Modern India.
- Evaluating the answer scripts of PG courses in the Department of History , Central Universityof Karnataka, Gulbarga